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The iPhone app defying Alzheimer's
May also reduce side effects of Chemo-Brain
Now with selectable 40Hz GammaTone™ audio tone!
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GammaBoost® lets you take advantage of the potential preventive effects of gamma-frequency light and sound therapy for Alzheimer's and Chemo-Brain.

If you are over 45, use GammaBoost® daily as a preventive measure. If you or someone you love is currently experiencing Alzheimer's effects or chemo-brain, GammaBoost® may help with memory loss, confusion and side effects.

The GammaBoost® app was developed in response to numerous published scientific studies, including those by the National Institute on Aging1 and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology2. These animal studies have shown that viewing a light that flashes in the Gamma Brainwave Frequency Range as well as an audio tone of the same frequency can diminish the beta amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer's and memory loss. A more recent study at MIT3 showed reductions in memory impairment and difficulty in concentration that are side effects of chemotherapy, often called "chemo-brain."

The GammaBoost® app flashes your phone's camera LED at 40 flashes per second. It also allows you to turn on a 40Hz audio tone in conjunction with the flashing light.

Easy to Use! Just Press START Flashes Your Camera LED
at 40 Flashes Per Second
Look at the Reflection,
Not at the LED
Keeps Track of Usage
for You:
Screenshot1 Screenshot2
Rest your iPhone on a book with a sheet of paper behind it, like this:
GB On Book
Then just keep the flash in your peripheral vision as you read, work, or do other tasks

GammaBoost® is designed for simplicity and ease of use:

  • Touching START flashes the LED at the Gamma rate of 40 flashes per second
  • Just keep the reflection in your peripheral vision - don't look directly at the LED
  • Enable the Audio Tone if desired and adjust your smartphone volume to desired loudness
  • Turns off automatically after one hour
  • Plays a notification sound
  • Daily one-hour use is suggested

To keep track of usage and results, the GammaBoost® app logs dates and minutes of usage.

If you are over 45, use GammaBoost® daily as a preventive measure. If you or someone you love is already suffering, GammaBoost® may curb memory loss and combat some of the terrible effects of the disease. Download the GammaBoost® app today!

The original GammaBoost® was a desktop device, which led to the development of the GammaBoost® smartphone app. This is a testimonial from a user of that original device:


"With the onset of temporal lobe Alzheimer's, D. was starting to show bouts of anger and agitation. I have not seen that to any degree since he started using his wonderful GammaBoost®. His ability to stay on task has increased. He seems more interested in things outside himself, while before GammaBoost® he was becoming increasingly self absorbed. He is remembering that the gardener is here and takes him coffee on Saturday mornings. For a while I was nervous when D. drove. I am not anymore. He is not making wrong turns and acting like he does not remember the route.

I think the light has made a difference. I am convinced GammaBoost® has made a significant contribution to D.'s health."

Are you currently using the GammaBoost® app? We'd love to hear about your results. Email Us


©2024 GDI LLC
GammaBoost® is a registered trademark of GDI LLC
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1 https://www.nia.nih.gov/news/noninvasive-brain-wave-treatment-reduces-alzheimers-pathology-improves-memory-mice
2 Iaccarino, H.F., et al. Gamma frequency entrainment attenuates amyloid load and modifies microglia. Nature. 2016 Dec 7;540(632):230-235.
3 https://news.mit.edu/2024/noninvasive-treatment-chemo-brain-0306